WebSummit Dublin

7 November 2015


We've just come back from three inspirational and fascinating days at WebSummit in Dublin. With over 30,000 delegates, the event is huge with 21 different tracks ranging from the properly geeky through to tech in design, fashion and marketing. 

The main reason for attending was to support one of our Software as a Service (SaaS) clients in a technical capacity. They were exhibiting at the event as well as looking for investor funding in order to be able to take their product to the next level. Some really interesting contacts were made and leads generated so fingers crossed!

Away from the pitching, we also managed to sneak some time to see a number of interesting talks on a wide range of topics - from the state of the music industry, better ways to deploy software, the legalisation of cannabis to people aiming to land on the moon! Oh, and we also managed to drink a few pints of the Black Stuff (as well as seeing some coloured sheep!)